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By Waiza Rana - According to Dr. Leslie Baumann – Miami-based dermatologist, author, researcher – “Most people...get their skin type wrong. One of the most interesting and unique facts about skin care is that the demands of each skin type are different. What works for one individual may or may not work for another. This is why establishing a solid skincare routine and adjusting it whenever necessary (example at the change of seasons) is something that varies from person to person. There are 5 main skin types we're going to dive into today: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. The reason our skin is categorized into types is to avoid products that don't address our specific needs or concerns. In the long term, knowing your skin type becomes crucial to maintaining healthy skin.

Let's start by understanding what the different skin types are. Remember that our skin changes and its needs also change over time.


This skin looks dull because it is often covered with a layer of dead cells. Proper hydration is key here as it will provide a smooth surface to your skin and make it look glowy. Factors such as sun exposure, hot showers/long showers, excessive exfoliation with salicylic and glycolic acid products can irritate the skin, which can lead to dry skin. Plus, as we age, skin naturally becomes drier due to hormonal changes, confirms Dr. Doris Day, founder of Day Dermatology and Aesthetics in New York City. When it comes to consistency, dry skin can tolerate a creamier product, instead of a lotion or gel. Dr. Day recommends using moisturizer day and night, as well as sunscreen. Le Suppliher Tip: If your cream is not enough to moisturize your skin instead of wasting it and buying a new one, we advise you to apply almond oil or rose oil over your moisturizer (preferably evening routine). So when you wake up you will have well hydrated skin because it will have absorbed a large part of the oil during your night's sleep. We also recommend skipping your face in the morning (only using a wet wipe) to keep overnight oil in place.


Oily skin is defined by its oily appearance all over the face. An overactive sebaceous gland increases the production of sebum on the skin. Often marked by enlarged pores and a shiny, lustrous complexion. Hydration is not the problem because the production of sebum is present and more than necessary. The cause of oily skin varies. This can be due to climate (heat/humidity), hormonal changes, genetics, diet or cosmetics for example. One benefit of this skin type is that your skin ages more slowly due to increased hydration. This means you are also less prone to wrinkles! Le Suppliher Tip : To reduce sebum production, we advise you to always cleanse your face in the morning and apply jojoba oil in the evening. This oil is the closest to human sebum.But when you apply it, the skin realizes that it already has oil and therefore produces much less of it!


This feeling of itching, burning and stinging after applying skin care products or due to a change in temperature are symptoms of sensitive skin. In fact, this type of skin is susceptible to be affected by external factors, be it weather, skin care products or makeup. However, just like combination skin, this one does not have a precise definition either. Skin discomfort (itching, burning, tingling, any other form of irritation) then becomes very common for sensitive skin. Any stimulus such as exposure to the sun, certain products and even the consumption of spicy foods can trigger this sensitivity. Therefore, a reddish or pinkish appearance as well as stubborn irritations can be the result of skin that requires delicacy. Instead, opt for skincare products that don't contain synthetic fragrances or essential oils, and favor a cleansing milk over a foaming cleanser that can irritate your skin barrier.


In simple terms, a normal skin type is one that is neither too dry nor too oily. It seems like the dream skin type, but it's more about how its specifics make it the well-rounded skin type. In fact, well-balanced refers to the production of sebum and the level of natural hydration of the skin. In general, it is not too sensitive either, which can facilitate product selection because the risk is low to obtain a negative reaction from the products offered on the market.


This particular skin type has no universal definition. Some dermatologists, like Dr. Baumann, believe it's not a true skin type like oily or dry skin. As mentioned earlier, it's not unusual for the skin and its needs to change. Just as our body changes over time, our skin is also part of these changes. Other times it is seasonal, which means that the skin type changes depending on the seasons of winter and summer. This is where the term combination comes in. Your skin can be dry in the winter and oily in the summer for example. Meanwhile, other dermatologists consider combination skin to be a prominent skin type by the varying amounts of oil production on the face. Dr Day says combination skin tends to be oilier on the forehead and nose and drier on the cheeks. The mouth area can be both dry and oily and more sensitive in general, she says. Basically, the main thing to note about a combination skin type is that it can represent subsets of characteristics from different skin types.

In closing, don't get overwhelmed by the amount of options available. While some ingredients work for some, other ingredients may surprise you as well. That's how unique each skin type and needs are. Building a solid skincare routine can take time, especially if our skin goes through changes from time to time. Remember that being kinder to your skin is not only good for it, but also good for yourself! Do not hesitate to contact us for advice and adapt your routine to your skin type


  2. https://www.bebeautifulin/all-things-skin/everyday/5-different-types-of-skin-a nd-how-to-take-care-of-each
